
A brief collection of our team’s thoughts and perspectives on website design, WordPress development, and other practical resources for website management.

10 Mandatory WordPress Plugins

Virtually every site that we build starts out with the same core set of plugins. We recommend each of them without reservation.
Mandatory WordPress Plugins

Three Easy Steps To Speed Up Your WordPress Website

A guide to WordPress optimization “for the rest of us.” Follow these steps and you will likely enjoy a significant performance boost without too much effort or expense.
Speed Up Your WordPress Website

How To Stop Gravity Form Spam

As with any form on the web, forms built with Gravity Forms tend to attract a lot of spam bots. Here are a few ways you can fight back.

Don’t Freak Out About Your PageSpeed Score

Our advice is that it is better to focus on improving performance generally, and not sweat too much about earning a specific score on this one test.

There’s More To E-commerce Than Search

When you place too much emphasis on search, you’re leaving money on the table. Search is not the only way people shop, online or off.