Sting-Kill is a unique, medicated remedy for bee stings and other bug bites. We created this colorful and lively WordPress website to help the brand earn its rightful place in every first-aid kit, backpack and medicine cabinet in America.
Coyote Peterson.
Popular outdoor adventurist and YouTube personality Coyote Peterson has prominently featured Sting-Kill in several of his videos. His videos featuring the brand have accumulated over 70 million views to date!
Outdoor buzz.
The Sting-Kill blog provides helpful information for outdoor enthusiasts and neophytes alike. Evergreen content about identifying bees, avoiding stings, and backyard safety help draw traffic to the brand’s website.

Traditional retail plus DTC.
While Sting-Kill does have a significant distribution footprint via a variety of major retailers, it still may not be immediately available in all markets. So we added e-commerce to this site in order to augment brick-and-mortar distribution with Direct To Consumer sales, and we also encourage consumers to think ahead and keep Sting-Kill on hand at all times.